A little sweet, a little spice...

A peek into my life…

Teaching has been consuming my life lately. But my schedule has just changed and I look forward to getting back to writing Saving Their Wolf. I hope you enjoyed the first chapter I posted on Halloween. Keep an eye out for more chapters.

I love teaching. And the new job is going really well. There have been some challenges – a district superintendent I worked for many years ago called middle schoolers “hormones in sneakers”. Well, nowadays, many of my students wear socks with sandals, even in the snowy, blustery weather we’ve been having recently, but it’s otherwise an apt description. Middle schoolers are going through so many changes, and at very different rates. But it’s all good; I get to share my love of French, and they get to learn while having fun.

What’s consuming your time these days? Share in the comments!


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  1. Liza Street

    Cannot wait for Saving Their Wolf!

    My time lately is divided up between writing, spending time with the family, and gearing up for the holiday season, which somehow always gets hectic despite my efforts to keep it simple.

  2. Kate

    I am excited to start a new calendar year, continuing to learn and grow my online business, support my kids and husband and make new friends in our new country. Lots of challenges and opportunities last year and my goals for this year are to nurture those beginnings.

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